Verindplast srl: investments for a sustainable growth

Verindplast srl, always oriented to social and environmental sustainability dynamics, is pleased to announce that it has obtained from Intesa San Paolo a loan of 2 million euro forinvestments in sustainable growth. The tool is S-Loan of Intesa San Paolo, pecifically selected to support companies’ efforts to reach a higher level of sustainability in environment, social and governance, promoting investments through a specific system of KPIs. Two credit lines, the first on of 1,5 millions of euro for 8 years and the second one of 500.000 euros or 7 years, characterized by a pricing system based onspecific ESG targets (Environment, Social, Governance). The company has bought a new powder painting plant, characterized by a 10 stages pre-treatment tunnel with nanotechnologies, all manufacturing stages are completely automatized, there’s a clean room technology and in complete fulfilment of industry 4.0 parameters. Moreover, the company hasinstalled 2 photovoltaic system on the roofs of the buildings. These investments underline the deep commitment to reinforce a company model that wants to improve its social performances, in terms of territory, people, suppliers and client, governance and that is based on good practices and ethical principles. The ESG targets connected to working activities, in facts, consider the introduction ofspecific activities for the active participation of women to society and the introduction of a policy to promote and reinforce gender equality into the company.
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